
啓思小學附屬幼稚園 前瞻性及趣味性的高效教學方式
激發小朋友對學習的好奇心 連繫小學、中學銜接升學

啓思三校 多元學習經歷 為未來學習生活做準備
啓思中學CSS、小學CPS及啓思小學附屬CPSKG幼稚園各具特色,但三校有著同一理念、同一承傳。中、小、幼三校之間有著緊密聯繫,在課程上 亦有緊密的銜接。校方為學生提供多元化的學習經歷,讓學生能夠探索不同的學術領域,並為未來學習及生活做好準備。

啓思小學附屬幼稚園CPSKG │著重培養國際視野和獨立思考聯繫中小學增加升學優勢
位於九龍塘的啓思小學附屬幼稚園Creatice Primary School's Kindergarten(CPSKG)成立於1985年,2025年將迎來40周年的里程碑。學校採用體驗式學習和探究式學習模式,激發小朋友 對學習的興趣和積極性。粵、普、英三組語文老師每天都有駐班時間,協作教授中、英、普系統化的課程。

Recognising Excellence: Happy and Achieving Schools
Our Happy Campus (Grand Awards) & Mission Achievement Award and the Importance of
Providing a Positive Learning Environment for Our Stakeholders
Our Creative Schools Continuum, consisting of Creative Secondary School, Creative Primary School, and Creative Primary School's Kindergarten, is proud to have been recognized by CHOA as a leading school that has successfully promoted happiness and well-being among stakeholders of our institution

Check Out What The Artistic Kids At Creative Schools Continuum Are Creating
Does your child have a way with a paintbrush? Jump online and let the talented kids over at Creative Schools Continuum (Creative Primary School’s Kindergarten, Creative Primary And Secondary School) inspire their imagination. Showcasing works from all year levels, it truly is amazing to see what the students from kindergarten right through to the secondary years have put together at the Creative Schools Continuum’s First Online Art Exhibition.